Lab Members


Andrew Hong, MD

Assistant Professor in Pediatrics,

Endowed Investigator

Andy is board certified pediatric hematologist and oncologist with a focus on identifying new therapeutic targets in high risk pediatric cancers in the:

  • kidney (Wilms, rhabdoid tumor (MRT) and renal medullary carcinomas (RMC))

  • muscle (epitheloid sarcoma and rhabdomyosarcoma)

  • and brain (ATRT).

He is a faculty member in the

He is also a member of the Department of Pediatrics Faculty Diversity Committee, Aflac Diversity Equity and Inclusion Advisory Team and serves as the Chair of the GDBBS Cancer Biology Program Inclusion, Diversity, Equity and Advancement Committee.

Nationally, he is a member of the Children’s Oncology Group Renal Tumors Committee and Chair of the Renal Tumors Biology Sub-Committee. He also serves as the PI for the Rare Cancer Research Foundation’s Biospecimen and Data Resource (PBDR) for the study of Rare Cancers and Diseases.

+ Learn more about Andy

Andy graduated from the University of Chicago Pritzker School of Medicine. He completed his internship and residency at the Boston Combined Residency Program in Pediatrics and went on to complete his fellowship training in pediatric hematology and oncology at the Dana-Farber / Boston Children's Center for Cancer and Blood Disorders.

He joined the faculty at Harvard Medical School as an Instructor of Pediatrics and completed his post-doctoral studies under Dr. William C. Hahn at the Dana-Farber Cancer Institute and the Broad Institute of Harvard and MIT.

In 2020, he was recruited to the faculty at Emory University, Children's Healthcare of Atlanta, and the Aflac Center for Cancer and Blood Disorders.


Yongdong su, MS, PHD

Postdoctoral fellow

Yongdong graduated with his PhD in Chemistry in 2021 from Massey University, New Zealand. He was under the mentorship of Drs. Vyacheslav V. Filichev, Tracy Hale and Richard Winkworth. He previously completed his Masters in chemistry in 2016. His PhD work was focused on targeting DNA secondary structures using chemically modified oligonucleotides.

In 2023, Yongdong was awarded the DoD Kidney Cancer Research Program Postdoctoral Fellowship (2023-2026) and the Winship Cancer Institute Postdoctoral Award (2023-2026).

Yongdong’s publications can be found here.


Nikita Modi, MS, PHD

Postdoctoral fellow

Nikita received her PhD in Biochemistry in 2023 from the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign under the mentorship of Dr. Lin-Feng Chen. Her previous work focused on understanding the role of epigenetic reader, BRD4 in immune response to gastrointestinal infections. She also has a Masters in MCB from the University of Arizona.

Nikita’s publications can be found here.


Anna Mckee, PHD

bioinformatics masters student (GT)

Anna received her PhD in Forestry and Natural Resources in 2012 from the University of Georgia where she studied landscape genetics and molecular ecology of pond-breeding amphibians. After graduating, she worked for the U.S. Geological Survey South Atlantic Water Science Center in Norcross, Georgia, where her research primarily focused on the application of DNA isolated from environmental samples (environmental DNA; eDNA) to detect taxa of interest, including microbial-source tracking bacteria, pathogens, invertebrates, and metazoan species. In 2023, Anna pivoted in her career and enrolled as a master’s student at the Georgia Institute of Technology in the Bioinformatics program to advance her skillsets in molecular data analysis and apply these skills to cancer research.

She was awarded the Georgia Institute of Technology Computational Biology Graduate Research Award (2024).

Anna’s publications can be found here.


Garrett Cooper, BS

graduate Student

Garrett is a fourth year PhD candidate in the GDBBS Genetics and Molecular Biology program. He graduated from the University of Georgia in 2020 majoring in Genetics. During his time there, he focused on gaining experience analyzing genomic data both as an undergraduate researcher in a bioinformatics lab and as an intern at UGA's sequencing core.

He was awarded a position on the GMB NIGMS T32 (PI: Caspary and Boss) in 2021 and 2022. In 2023, he was awarded the Ruth L. Kirschstein NRSA for Individual Predoctoral Fellows (F31) award from the National Cancer Institute (2023-2026).


Katie Skinner, BS, MS

Graduate Student

Katie is a third year PhD candidate in the GDBBS Cancer Biology program. She has a BS in Genetics from the University of Leicester, and an MS in Bioinformatics from Queen Mary University of London. Before coming to Emory, she worked as a research assistant in a bladder cancer lab at the University of York. There she was responsible for analyzing RNA-seq data generated by the lab, and also for developing the lab’s single-cell RNA-seq analysis pipelines.


Nate Smyth

Emory 4+1 Masters Student

Nate is currently at Emory University studying Biology and International Studies. Nate joined the 4+1 MS in Cancer Biology and Translational Oncology (CBTO) program as part of the Cancer biology Graduate Program and is completing his Master’s research with the Hong Lab.


Frank Feng

Emory 4+1 Masters Student (Class of 2024)

Frank is pursing his Masters at Emory College and is currently enrolled in the 4+1 MS in Cancer Biology and Translational Oncology (CBTO) program at Laney Graduate School. Frank has previously done epigenetic research in Dr. Roger Deal’s lab involving A. thaliana. In his free time, Frank likes to play soccer and the piano.


sean malhotra

Undergraduate Student (Class of 2024)

Sean is a senior at Emory studying Anthropology and Human Biology on the Pre-Medical track. He has done previous research on lessening disparities in oncology through stem-cell transplant referrals in hematologic malignancy patients and wants to do further research in oncology. In his free time, Sean loves playing table tennis, cooking new food, and watching F1.

Sean was awarded the Summer Scholars Internship at the Fred Hutchinson Cancer Center in 2023.


Jessica Yoon

Undergraduate Student (Class of 2024)

Jessica is a senior at Emory University studying Biology on the pre-medical track. On campus, she is a first-year Resident Advisor and is involved in multiple service and volunteer organizations. Jessica loves to play violin, try new foods, and bullet journal in her free time.

Jessica was awarded the ALSF POST Award in 2023.


Ian Morris

Undergraduate Student (Class of 2025)

Ian is a junior at Emory University studying Chemistry and French on the pre-medical track. He plays the baritone saxophone and is involved in martial arts clubs on campus. He enjoys listening to jazz music, reading comic books, and exercising in his free time.


Christopher Jang

Undergraduate Student (Class of 2027)

Christopher is a freshman at Emory University on the pre-medical track, studying Biology and Music. On campus, Christopher is involved in performing in the university symphony orchestra and table tennis club. In his free time, he enjoys watching Formula 1 and running. 




We are always looking for bright and talented postdoctoral fellows and graduate students to join the lab. Contact us with your CV or resume by email at TheHongLab[at]gmail[dot]com


Kira Moresco

manager, HSRB research laboratories (including hong lab)

Kira oversees the research laboratories and ensures that the labs keep humming along.


Kizzie Harvey

Administrative Assistant (including hong lab)

Kizzie joined Aflac Fall 2022. If your meeting requires scheduling of 3 or more people, please contact Ja’nekca who can help to coordinate.


Milagros Benitez, MBA

Pre-award administrator (including hong lab)

Milagros oversees pre-award grant (government and foundation) administration for the Hong lab.


ashley Crawley

senior financial analyst (including hong lab)

Ashley oversees Emory/CHOA based lab finances for the Hong lab.

Kimberly Jones

Post-award administrator (including hong lab)

Kimberly oversees post-award grant (government and foundation) administration for the Hong lab.


Prior rotation students and undergraduates

Juhye Yim (Spring 2023, Cancer Biology) - Douglas Graham, MD, PhD

Isabel Petrescu (Fall 2022, Genetics & Molecular Biology) - Jason Yustein, MD, PhD

Sydney Nelson (Summer 2022, Genetics & Molecular Biology) - Steve Bosinger, PhD

Miranda Adams (Fall 2020, Cancer Biology) - Jenn Spangle, PhD

Brandy Bernabe (Fall 2020, Genetics and Molecular Biology) - Vas J. Michopoulos, PhD and Alicia K. Smith, PhD

Tian En “Microl” Chen (2021, Undergraduate)

Cynthia Perez (Spring 2020, Genetics and Molecular Biology) - Todd M Everson, PhD and Steve Qin, PhD

Emma West (2020-2021, Undergraduate)

Xan Wesley (2020-2021, Undergraduate)

See Alumni page for those who were in the lab for 1 year or longer